It may happen that you cannot rent a vehicle because, normally, a credit card under the main driver’s name is required as a guarantee, though many people do not have one.
With Welcome to Sardinia you can also rent with a debit card!
Let us make things clear
Let us make things clear on a point that is often ignored by customers and that can create misunderstandings.
When you rent a car, with us, there are two different moments:
the booking online or offline;
collecting a car in one of our offices.
It is important to distinguish between these two moments, because the credit card is usually required as a guarantee only in phase two, upon collecting the vehicle.
The first phase, the online or offline booking, can be done with an payment by credit, debit, pre-paid card or bank transfer.
That card can be anyone’s, a relative or a friend, prior given authorisation by these people.
What matters is that when you use a third part’s card, the booking is done under the name of the main driver who will show a credit card under his name at the desk.
Having said that, you might have understood what a rental with a debit card card means: it is a rental solution by which at the moment of collecting the vehicle it is not even necessary to have a credit card. Debit and prepaid cards with a chip, an IBAN, and a pin code are accepted.
What do you need to rent with a debit/prepaid card?
The customer must show, at the desk:
a valid driving licence;
id or passport;
debit/prepaid card which can cover rental cost and deposit.
In case of rental with a debit/prepaid card as guarantee, Customer will have to subscribe the related extra "Debit Package", which also includes "Car Protection Plus", "Pai Plus" and "Road Assistance Plus" covers. For the details about the above extra coverages, please refer to the General Rental.
What the mandatory coverage includes
The mandatory coverage to rent a car with a debit card, eliminates / reduces (depending on vehicle type) damage and theft excess. It also includes the tow service that the customer can decide to purchase and include in his/her agreement.
Deposit refund
The total amount will be withdrawn upon the collection of the vehicle, including the deposit which may vary according to the vehicle, between 300 and 500 €.
When the rental is over, unless in cases in which the deposit is to be kept, either partially or in total, the amount will be transferred on the card used for the deposit by a POS refund or a money transfer on the bank account, within 6 working days.
Can I rent all the cars, without a credit card?
No, some vehicles are excluded from this policy.
Can I pay the deposit in cash?
No, never.
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